
Friday, August 6, 2010

Influence of words.

Ok, so the other day I talked about watching the words we say to one another, because they have the capability of breaking someone or lifting them up. Cool yet dangerous thing is, we can choose. When we use encouraging words, we lift people up and make them smile, when we are rude and say negative things, we can break someone down.

Check this video out, it shows the influence words/songs have over water crystals!

Take a look at the influence our words have over water, is that not mind boggling? I think that is crazy that what you speak over water could effect what it turns up looking like. To me that is crazyyyy, because that's just water, imagine what the words do to people! Not only are we made up of about 60% of water. Yet time and time again we think that our words don't really affect those around us, well this just proves that it does!

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
-Ephesians 4:29

You heard it right here, I want to challenge each and every one of you reading this to only speak words of encouragement, words that edify one another, not ones that hurt and demolish peoples self-esteem! We are all in this race together, whether or not we like hanging with the person, we still must love one another as Christ loved us! We are brothers and sisters in Christ, so let's act like it!!

So ask yourself this question...
What would the water crystals around you look like?

Be loving and compassionate! && remember ALWAYS BELIEVE!

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