"This is what the Lord says: Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength...He will be like a bush in the wastelands; he will not see prosperity when it comes...But blessed is the man who trusts in the lord, whose confidence is in him...It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
-Jeremiah 17:1-8
I guess I can say that I have gone through a lot, or so it seems. Starting pretty young I began to have some health problems, and the doctors weren't exactly sure what my diagnosis was. I was misdiagnosed several times and I was just in a place in my life where I was still wasn't sure what I wanted nor did I really pursue God wholeheartedly(which I should have been). I was just confused and always trying to find a way out of what I was going through, I was so hurt and upset that I didn't even realize that there was no way to get out of this thing that I was going through. I remember myself always trying to make it on my own, ever since I was little, I would always say that "I can do it by myself". I guess that mentality just stuck with me, although it was an more innocent when I was little. Throughout the first four years of my diagnosis, I can honestly that I never fully relied on God, I figured that somehow someway I could do it on my own. I would hang out with people to try and take my mind off of what I was really feeling, I would try and depend on being tough to act like nothing was wrong. Or I figured that since my parents were praying for me that it would be enough to bring healing to my body.
Maybe I should have read this verse! lol :) But I said all that to say, I should have never tried to make it on my own. That's were I went wrong, you can never rely on your own strength to pull you through a trial nor can you rely on other people around you to pull you out of the hole you're in. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that their prayers won't help, because all the prayer people prayed for me definitely made a difference, but you can't fully rely on that.We need to count on God and fight ourselves, other people can't find our battle for us. We are not strong enough, no matter how tough we think we are, we weren't made to make it on our own.
This verse also reminds me about the economic situation our world is in today, where we appear to be in a really rough and dry drought. When we trust and fully rely on the Lord, it says right in the verse that it does not fear when heat comes. It's in times like these where we need to be so confident in God that when the heat turns up, we don't sweat, we don't worry, we aren't fearful. Just think about it, what if we were all fully confident in God everyday? How different would our lives be, this time were in wouldn't phase us, it wouldn't have the power over our lives to make us worry and stress like the world. It then says that in the year of the drought, it never fails to bear fruit. WOW! Just because the world around us isn't being productive and being successful doesn't mean that we can't. We cannot rely on the world, it will fail us time and time again, but when we believe and put everything we have into being confident in Him, we will still bear fruit and reap harvest in this drought! Stay encouraged and Stay CONFIDENT in God, the sky is the limit!!! :)
"He who has faith has... an inward reservoir of courage, hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all will come out well - even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly.
-B.C. Forbes
Deep thought....way to bring the encouragement!
ReplyDeleteI needed this reminder!!!